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نمایش نتایج: از شماره 1 تا 1 , از مجموع 1

موضوع: Quake Hits Southeastern Iran

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    دریافت تشکر: 3,299
    قدرت امتیاز دهی

    Wink Quake Hits Southeastern Iran

    TEHRAN (FNA)- An earthquake measuring 4.3 on the Richter scale jolted the town of Hojedk in Kerman province, Southeastern Iran, on Tuesday.

    The Seismological center of Kerman province affiliated to the Geophysics Institute of Tehran University registered the quake at 06:47 hours local time (0317 GMT).

    The epicenter of the quake was located in an area 57.0 degrees in longitude and 30.9 degrees in latitude.

    There are yet no reports on the number of possible casualties or damage to properties by the quake.

    Iran sits astride several major faults in the earth's crust, and is prone to frequent earthquakes, many of which have been devastating.

    The worst in recent times hit Bam in southeastern Kerman province in December 2003, killing 31,000 people - about a quarter of its population - and destroying the city's ancient mud-built citadel.

    The deadliest quake in the country was in June 1990 and measured 7.7 on the Richter scale. About 37,000 people were killed and more than 100,000 injured in the northwestern provinces of Gilan and Zanjan. It devastated 27 towns and about 1,870 villages.

    Tehran alone sits on two major fault lines, and the capital's 14 million residents fear a major quake.

    The last deadly quake in Iran happened on Sept. 10, 2008 when a magnitude-6.1 earthquake killed at least 7 people and injured almost 47 more in the southern Iranian province of Hormozgan, although there have been a number of moderate quakes which have left many injured


  2. کاربرانی که از پست مفید Victor007 سپاس کرده اند.

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