دوست عزیز، به سایت علمی نخبگان جوان خوش آمدید

مشاهده این پیام به این معنی است که شما در سایت عضو نیستید، لطفا در صورت تمایل جهت عضویت در سایت علمی نخبگان جوان اینجا کلیک کنید.

توجه داشته باشید، در صورتی که عضو سایت نباشید نمی توانید از تمامی امکانات و خدمات سایت استفاده کنید.
صفحه 5 از 9 نخستنخست 123456789 آخرینآخرین
نمایش نتایج: از شماره 41 تا 50 , از مجموع 83

موضوع: واژگان پر کاربرد در اخبار

Hybrid View

پست قبلی پست قبلی   پست بعدی پست بعدی
  1. #1
    دوست آشنا
    رشته تحصیلی
    نوشته ها
    ارسال تشکر
    دریافت تشکر: 8,277
    قدرت امتیاز دهی
    ارغنون's: جدید11

    پیش فرض پاسخ : واژگان پر کاربرد در اخبار

    Free: To release. Not controlled by another or by outside forces. Not in prison. Independent. Not
    limited by rules. Without cost
    آزاد، آزاد کردن

    Freedom: The condition of being free

    Freeze: To cause or to become very cold. To make or to become hard by cold
    منجمد کردن

    Fresh: Newly made or gathered. Recent
    Friend: A person one likes and trusts

    Frighten: To cause great fear

    Fruit: Food from trees and plants

    Fuel: Any substance burned to create heat or power

    Full: Containing as much as a person or thing can hold. Complete

    Fun: Anything that is pleasing and causes happiness

    Funeral: A ceremony held in connection with the burial or burning of the dead

    Future: Time after now, in the time to come

    Gain: To get possession of. To get more. To increase
    سود، کسب کردن

    Game: An activity with rules in which people or teams play or compete, usually sports

    Gather: To bring or come together into a group or place. To collect
    جمع کردن

    General: A high military leader. Without details. Affecting or including all or almost all
    ژنزال، عمومي

    Gentle: Soft. Kind. Not rough or violent
    ملايم، آهسته

    Gift: Something given without cost

  2. 2 کاربر از پست مفید ارغنون سپاس کرده اند .

  3. #2
    دوست آشنا
    رشته تحصیلی
    نوشته ها
    ارسال تشکر
    دریافت تشکر: 8,277
    قدرت امتیاز دهی
    ارغنون's: جدید11

    پیش فرض پاسخ : واژگان پر کاربرد در اخبار

    Goal: That toward which an effort is directed. That which is aimed at. The end of a trip or race

    Goods: Things owned or made to be sold

    Govern: To control. To rule by military or political power
    حكومت کردن

    Government: A system of governing. The organization of people that rules a country, city or area

    Grain: The seed of grass plants used for food, such as wheat, rice and corn. Those plants that
    produce the seeds

    Granddaughter: The daughter of a person's daughter or son
    نوة دختري

    Grandfather: The father of a person's father or mother

    Grandmother: The mother of a person's father or mother

    Grandson: The son of a person's daughter or son
    نوة پسري

    Grass: A plant with long, narrow, green leaves

    Gray: Having the color like that made by mixing black and white

    Great: Very large or more than usual in size or number. Very good. Important
    بزرگ، عظيم

    Green: Having the color like that made by mixing yellow and blue. Having the color like that of
    growing leaves and grass

    Grind: To reduce to small pieces by crushing
    خرد کردن، آسياب کردن

    Ground: Land. The earth's surface. Soil

    Group: A number of people or things together. A gathering of people working for a common

    Grow: To develop or become bigger. To increase in size or amount
    رستن، رشد کردن، بزرگ شدن

  4. 2 کاربر از پست مفید ارغنون سپاس کرده اند .

  5. #3
    دوست آشنا
    رشته تحصیلی
    نوشته ها
    ارسال تشکر
    دریافت تشکر: 8,277
    قدرت امتیاز دهی
    ارغنون's: جدید11

    پیش فرض پاسخ : واژگان پر کاربرد در اخبار

    Guarantee: To promise a result. To promise that something will happen
    ضمانت کردن

    Guard: To watch and protect a person, place or thing , a person or thing that watches or protects
    پاسدار، پاسداري کردن

    Guerrilla: A person who fights as part of an unofficial army, usually against an official army or

    Guide: To lead to. To show the way. One who shows the way
    راهنما، راهنمائي کردن

    Guilty: Having done something wrong or in violation of a law. Responsible for a bad action

    Gun: A weapon that shoots bullets

    Halt: To come or cause to come to a stop. To stop
    ايست کردن

    Hang: To place something so the highest part is supported and the lower part is not. To kill by
    آويزان کردن

    Happen: To become a fact or event. To take place
    اتفاق افتادن

    Hard: Not easily cut or broken. Solid. Difficult to do or understand. Needing much effort or force

    Harm: To injure. To damage. Damage. Hurt
    آسيب، آزار

    Harvest: To gather crops. The crop after it is gathered
    محصول، درو کردن

    Hat: A head cover

    Hate: To have strong emotions against. To consider as an enemy. Opposite love
    متنفر بودن

    Headquarters: The center from which orders are given. The main offices of a business or
    مرکز فرماندهي

    Heal: To return to good health. To cure. To become well
    شفا دادن، خوب شدن

    Health: The general condition of the body and mind. The condition of being free from sickness or

  6. 2 کاربر از پست مفید ارغنون سپاس کرده اند .

  7. #4
    دوست آشنا
    رشته تحصیلی
    نوشته ها
    ارسال تشکر
    دریافت تشکر: 8,277
    قدرت امتیاز دهی
    ارغنون's: جدید11

    پیش فرض پاسخ : واژگان پر کاربرد در اخبار

    Hear: To receive sound through the ears. To receive news about

    Heat: To make hot or warm. Great warmth. That which is produced by burning fuel. Energy from
    the sun
    گرما، گرم کردن

    Hero: A person honored for being brave or wise

    Hide: To prevent from being seen or found. To make secret
    پنهان کردن

    Hijack: To seize or take control of a vehicle by force
    هواپيما ربائي

    Hill: A small mountain

    History: The written record or description of past events. The study of the past

    Hit: To strike. To touch with force

    Hole: An opening. A torn or broken place in something

    Holy: Greatly honored in religion

    Honest: Truthful. Able to be trusted
    راستگو، صادق

    Honor: To obey. To show strong, good feelings for, an award. An act of giving special recognition
    اطاعت کردن، افتخار دادن، عزت

    Horrible: Causing great fear. Terrible

    Horse: A large animal often used for racing, riding or farm work

    Hospital: A place where sick or injured people are given medical care

    Hostage: A person captured and held as a guarantee that a demand or promise will be honored

    Hostile: Ready to fight. Ready for war
    خصومت آميز

    Hot: Having or feeling great heat or a high temperature

  8. 2 کاربر از پست مفید ارغنون سپاس کرده اند .

  9. #5
    دوست آشنا
    رشته تحصیلی
    نوشته ها
    ارسال تشکر
    دریافت تشکر: 8,277
    قدرت امتیاز دهی
    ارغنون's: جدید11

    پیش فرض پاسخ : واژگان پر کاربرد در اخبار

    However: Yet. But
    به هر حال

    Huge: Very big. Of great size

    Humor: The ability to understand, enjoy or express what makes people laugh

    Hunger: The need for food

    Hunt: To search for animals to capture or kill them. To seek. To try to find
    شكار کردن، جستجو کردن

    Hurry: To do or go fast
    عجله کردن

    Hurt: To cause pain, injury or damage
    آزار رساندن، آسيب رساندن

    Identify: To recognize someone or something and to say who or what they are

    Illegal: Not legal. In violation of a law

    Imagine: To make a picture in the mind. To form an idea
    تصور کردن

    Immediate: Without delay. Very near in time or place

    Import: To bring from another country. Something brought from another country, usually for sale
    وارد کردن

    Important: Having great meaning, value or power

    Improve: To make better. To become better
    بهبود يافتن

    Incident: An event or something that happens

    Incite: To urge or cause an action or emotion, usually something bad or violent
    بر انگيختن

    Include: To have. To make a part of
    شامل بودن

    Increase: To make more in size or amount
    افزايش دادن

  10. 2 کاربر از پست مفید ارغنون سپاس کرده اند .

  11. #6
    دوست آشنا
    رشته تحصیلی
    نوشته ها
    ارسال تشکر
    دریافت تشکر: 8,277
    قدرت امتیاز دهی
    ارغنون's: جدید11

    پیش فرض پاسخ : واژگان پر کاربرد در اخبار

    Independent: Not influenced by or controlled by another or others. Free. Separate

    Individual: One person

    Industry: Any business that produces goods or provides services. All organizations involved in

    Infect: To make sick with something that causes disease
    آلوده کردن

    Inflation: A continuing rise in prices while the value of money goes down

    Influence: To have an effect on someone or something. To cause change
    تحت تأثير قرار دادن

    Inform: To tell. To give knowledge to
    آگاهي دادن

    Information: Knowl
    edge. Facts
    Inject: To force a fluid into, such as putting medicine or drugs into the body through the skin
    تزريق کردن

    Injure: To cause harm or damage to a person or animal
    صدمه زدن

    Innocent: Not guilty of a crime. Not responsible for a bad action
    بي گناه
    Insane: Mentally sick

    Insect: A very small creature, usually with many legs and sometimes with wings

    Inspect: To look at something carefully. To examine, especially by an expert
    معاينه کردن، بازرسي کردن

    Instead: In the place of. Taking the place of
    در عوض

    Instrument: A tool or device designed to do something or to make something

    Insult: To say something or to do something that makes another person angry or dishonored
    توهين، توهين کردن

    Intelligence: The ability to think or learn. Information gathered by spying

  12. 2 کاربر از پست مفید ارغنون سپاس کرده اند .

  13. #7
    دوست آشنا
    رشته تحصیلی
    نوشته ها
    ارسال تشکر
    دریافت تشکر: 8,277
    قدرت امتیاز دهی
    ارغنون's: جدید11

    پیش فرض پاسخ : واژگان پر کاربرد در اخبار

    Intelligent: Quick to understand or learn

    Intense: Very strong. Extremely serious
    زياد، شديد

    Interfere: To get in the way of. To work against. To take part in the activities of others, especially
    when not asked to do so
    دخالت کردن

    International: about more than one nation or many nations. Of the whole world
    بين المللي

    Intervene: To come between. To come between in order to settle or solve
    وساطت کردن

    Invade: To enter an area or country by force with an army
    حمله کردن

    Invent: To plan and make something never made before. To create a new thing or way of doing
    اختراع کردن

    Invest: To give money to a business or organization with the hope of making more money
    سرمايه گذاري کردن
    Investigate: To study or examine all information about an event, situation or charge. To search for
    the truth
    رسيدگي کردن به، تحقيق کردن

    Invite: To ask someone to take part in or join an event, organization or gathering
    دعوت کردن

    Involve: To take part in. To become a part of. To include
    درگير شدن

    Iron: A strong, hard metal used to make machines and tools

    Island: A land area with water all around it

    Issue: An important problem or subject that people are discussing or arguing about

    Jail: A prison for those waiting to be tried for a crime or for those serving sentences for crimes that
    are not serious

    Jewel: A valuable stone, such as a diamond or emerald

    Join: To put together or come together. To become part of or a member of
    متصل کردن، پيوستن

  14. 2 کاربر از پست مفید ارغنون سپاس کرده اند .

  15. #8
    دوست آشنا
    رشته تحصیلی
    نوشته ها
    ارسال تشکر
    دریافت تشکر: 8,277
    قدرت امتیاز دهی
    ارغنون's: جدید11

    پیش فرض پاسخ : واژگان پر کاربرد در اخبار

    Joint: Shared by two or more

    Judge: To form an opinion about. To decide a question, especially a legal one. A public official
    who decides problems of law in a court
    قاضي، قضاوت کردن

    Jump: To push down on the feet and move up quickly into the air

    Jury: A group of people chosen to decide what is true in a trial
    هيئت منصفه

    Keep: To possess. To have for oneself
    نگه داشتن، حفظ کردن

    Kick: To hit with the foot
    لگد زدن

    Kidnap: To seize and take away by force
    آدم دزدي کردن

    Kill: To make dead. To cause to die

    Kind: Sort, gentle, caring, helpful

    Kiss: To touch with the mouth to show love or honor

    Knife: A tool or weapon used to cut

    Knowledge: That which is known. Learning or understanding
    شناخت، دانش

    Labor: Work. Workers as a group
    کارگر، زحمت کشيدن

    Laboratory: A room or place where experiments in science are done

    Lack: To be without. The condition of needing, wanting or not having

    Lake: A large area of fresh water surrounded by land

    Land: To come to the earth from the air , the part of the earth not covered by water. The ground
    به زمين نشستن، زمين

    Large: Big. Being of more than usual size, amount or number. Opposite small

  16. 2 کاربر از پست مفید ارغنون سپاس کرده اند .

  17. #9
    دوست آشنا
    رشته تحصیلی
    نوشته ها
    ارسال تشکر
    دریافت تشکر: 8,277
    قدرت امتیاز دهی
    ارغنون's: جدید11

    پیش فرض پاسخ : واژگان پر کاربرد در اخبار

    Launch: To put into operation. To begin. To send into the air or space
    به کار انداختن، شروع کردن

    Law: All or any rules made by a government

    Lead: To show the way. To command. To control. To go first
    رهبري کردن، راهنمائي کردن، هدايت کردن

    Leak: To come out of or to escape through a small opening or hole usually a gas or liquid
    چكه کردن

    Learn: To get knowledge about. To come to know a fact or facts

    Leave: To go away from. To let something stay where it is
    ترك کردن

    Left: On the side that is toward the west when one is facing north. Opposite right

    Legal: in agreement with the law

    Legislature: A government lawmaking group
    مجلس، قوه مقننه

    Lend: To permit someone to use a thing temporarily. To make a loan of money
    قرض دادن

    Less: Smaller in amount. Not as much

    Let: To permit to do or to be. To make possible
    اجازه دادن

    Level: The amount or height that something reaches or rises to. The position of something or

    Liberal: One who usually supports social progress or change
    آزاده، آزاديخواه

    Lift: To take or bring up to a higher place or level
    بلند کردن

    Light: A form of energy that affects the eyes so that one is able to see. Anything that produces
    light. Bright. Clear. Not heavy

    Lightning: Light produced by electricity in the air, usually during a storm
    رعد و برق

  18. 2 کاربر از پست مفید ارغنون سپاس کرده اند .

  19. #10
    دوست آشنا
    رشته تحصیلی
    نوشته ها
    ارسال تشکر
    دریافت تشکر: 8,277
    قدرت امتیاز دهی
    ارغنون's: جدید11

    پیش فرض پاسخ : واژگان پر کاربرد در اخبار

    Limit: To restrict to a number or amount. The greatest amount or number permitted
    حد، محدود کردن

    Link: To connect. To unite one thing or event with another. A relation between two or more things,
    situations or events
    اتصال، بهم پيوستن

    Liquid: A substance that is not a solid or gas, and can move freely, like water

    List: To put in writing a number of names of people or things. A written series of names or things
    فهرست ، فهرست کردن

    Listen: To try to hear
    گوش دادن

    Literature: All the poems, stories and writings of a period of time or of a country

    Live: To have life. To exist. Having life. Alive
    زندگي کردن

    Load: To put objects on or into a vehicle or container. That which is carried
    بار، بار گذاري کردن

    Loan: Money borrowed that usually must be returned with interest payments. Something borrowed

    Local: having to do with one place

    Lonely: Feeling alone and wanting friends. Visited by few or no people

    Long: Not short. Measuring from beginning to end. Measuring much. For much time
    طولاني، طولاني کردن

    Look: To turn the eyes toward so as to see. To search or hunt for. To seem to be
    نگاه کردن، جستجو کردن

    Lose: To have no longer. To not find. To fail to keep. To be defeated
    گم کردن، از دست دادن، شكست خوردن

    Loud: Having a strong sound. Full of sound or noise
    بلند، بلند آوا

    Low: Not high or tall. Below the normal height. Close to the ground

    Loyal: Showing strong friendship and support for someone or something

    Luck: Something that happens by chance

  20. 2 کاربر از پست مفید ارغنون سپاس کرده اند .

صفحه 5 از 9 نخستنخست 123456789 آخرینآخرین

اطلاعات موضوع

کاربرانی که در حال مشاهده این موضوع هستند

در حال حاضر 1 کاربر در حال مشاهده این موضوع است. (0 کاربران و 1 مهمان ها)

موضوعات مشابه

  1. چرا ژاپن به توسعه تكنولوژي دست يافته است
    توسط *مینا* در انجمن قاره آسیا
    پاسخ ها: 5
    آخرين نوشته: 10th January 2013, 08:58 PM
  2. ( کوروش) ذوالقرنين در قرآن کريم و عهد عتيق
    توسط A M S E T I S در انجمن ماد ، هخامنشیان (پارسیان) ، سلوکیان
    پاسخ ها: 21
    آخرين نوشته: 18th February 2011, 07:23 AM
  3. تست گروهی خنک کننده های lga1156
    توسط IranBest در انجمن اخبار و معرفی جدیدترین سخت افزارها
    پاسخ ها: 0
    آخرين نوشته: 14th November 2010, 01:14 PM
  4. حقوق تجارت
    توسط MR_Jentelman در انجمن حقوق بین الملل
    پاسخ ها: 7
    آخرين نوشته: 16th September 2010, 09:20 PM
  5. معرفت شناسي در انديشه استاد مطهري
    توسط آبجی در انجمن معرفت شناسی
    پاسخ ها: 2
    آخرين نوشته: 12th August 2010, 12:14 PM

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