PZC -----Pickup Zone Coordinator
PUI -----Picoscopic User Interface
PXT -----Picture and Text
PLB -----Picture Level Benchmark
PMI -----Picture Music Industries
PJG -----Pilot Junior Grade
PNF -----Pilot Not Flying
PVI -----Pilot-Vehicle Interface
PGJ -----Pin Game Journal
PKF -----Pine Knot Farms
PGZ -----Pioglitazone
PVO -----Pioneer Venus Orbiter
PPG -----Pittsburgh Plate Glass
PUX -----Pittsburgh Urban Exploration
PMQ -----Pizza Marketing Quarterly
PBE -----Plain Both Ends
PEC -----Plain English Campaign
PPI -----Plan Position Indicator (in radar)
PHH -----Planar Halogenated Hydrocarbon
PWO -----Plane Wave Orbital
PFH -----Planet Field Hockey
PFO -----Planned Facility Order
PFL -----Plant Fuel Load
PHC -----Plant Health Committee
PAW -----Plasma Arc Welding
PJB -----plastic junction box
PET -----plastic used in bottle manufacture
PWP -----Plasticized White Phosphorous
PRW -----Plastics and Rubber Weekly
PAF -----Platelet Activating Factor
PLK -----Platform Library Kit
PBW -----Play By Web
PHB -----Player's HandBook
PSX -----PlayStation X-format
PTO -----Please Turn Over
PXA -----Pleomorphic Xnthoastrocytoma
PJH -----PLRS (Position Location Reporting System)
PCA -----Plug-in Compliant Application
PIU -----Plug-In Unit
ZXT -----Plummer (Idaho) Public Library
PYH -----Plymouth Youth Hockey
PHP -----Pneumatic HydroPulse
PJN -----Poder Judicial de la Nacion
PJK -----Poeldijks Jongerenkoor
PAK -----Point And Kill
POE -----Point Of Entry
POI -----Point Of Information
POP -----Point Of Presence
POS -----Point Of Sale
POT -----Point Of Termination
POU -----Point Of Use
POV -----Point Of View
PPP -----Point to Point Protocol
PCE -----"Point, Click, Explode"
PJC -----Pointer Justification Count
POZ -----Point-of-Sale Ohne Zahlungsgarantie
PFZ -----Polar Frontal Zone
PRL -----Polar Research Laboratory
PXR -----Polarized X-Ray
PQJ -----Police de Questions Juives
PJP -----Polish Journal of Pharmacology
PYF -----Polish Youth Federation
PAC -----Political Action Committee
PRQ -----Political Research Quarterly
PLS -----PoLitical Science
PCU -----Politically Correct University
PQT -----Politician's Question Time
PPE -----"Politics, Philosophy and Economics"
PJZ -----Polizei- und Justizzentrum
QVX -----Pollard (Massachusetts) Memorial Library
PPZ -----Polska Partia Zielonych
PKL -----Polski Koleje Linowe
PKN -----Polski Koncern Naftowy
PZJ -----Polski Zwiazek Jakajacych
PZW -----Polski Zwiazek Wedkarski
PZZ -----Polski Zwiazek Zapasniczy
PAH -----PolyAromatic Hydrocarbons
PEK -----Poly-Ether-Ketone
PIB -----PolyIsoButylene
PJX -----Polyjohns Express
PCR -----Polymerase Chain Reaction
PZF -----Polynomial Zero-Finding
PYV -----Polyomavirus
PVK -----Poly-Vinyl (K)Carbazole
PVA -----PolyVinyl Acetate
PVB -----PolyVinyl Butyral
PVF -----Poly-Vinyl Fluoride
PVC -----PolyVinylChloride (***y plastic)
PXV -----Polyxylylviologen
PBI -----Poor Bloody Infantry
PJY -----Poorn-Jnana Yoga
PAO -----Poppy Appeal Organiser
PZP -----Porcine Zona Pellucida
PJV -----Porgera Joint Venture
PFY -----****-Free Youth
PZK -----Porsche Zentrum Koblenz
PBM -----Portable Bit-Map
PDF -----Portable Document Format
PEA -----Portable Electrical Appliance
PGN -----Portable Game Notation
PIH -----Portable Instrument House
PVR -----Portable Vehicular Ramp
PXB -----Portable X-ray Betatron
PCQ -----Ports Corporation of Queensland
PCW -----Post Consumer Waste
PEQ -----Post Entry Quarantine
PGY -----Post Graduate Year
POB -----Post Office Box
POO -----Post Office Order
PCK -----Postal Corporation of Kenya
PBV -----Post-Boost Vehicle
PLZ -----Postleitzahlen
PMK -----Postmark
POG -----Post-Orogenic Granitoid
PPS -----Post-Post-Script
PTR -----Post-Traumatic Recurrence
PTS -----Post-Traumatic Stress
PZO -----Postzeitungsdienst
PZL -----Postzeitungsliste
PKB -----"Pot, Kettle, Black "
KBR -----Potassium Bromide
KXN -----Potassium by Nitrogen
KHP -----Potassium Hydrogen Phthalate
KOH -----Potassium Hydroxide
KGW -----Potassium-Gadolinium Tungstate
PLH -----Potato Leafhopper
PVX -----Potato Virus X
PBP -----Potbellied Pig
PXJ -----Potential Exchange Junction
PHE -----Potentially Harmful Element
PVW -----Potomac Valley Watercolorists
PFK -----Poulet Frit au Kentucky (Canadian
LBS -----Pounds (weight
PSI -----Pounds per Square Inch
PPC -----Pour Prendre Conge (French
PXD -----Powder X-ray Diffraction
PAE -----Power Added Efficiency
PMY -----Power and Motoryacht
PER -----Power Enhancement Ratio
PLW -----Power League Wrestling
PQX -----Power Quest Index
PRT -----Power Recovery Train
PTP -----Power to The People
PUE -----Power Up Edition
PUQ -----Power User Questionnaire
PWU -----Power Workers Union
WXJ -----PowerJ Workspace file
PMU -----PowerMeter Unit